Exercises to improve strength: the most effective

Low potency and erectile dysfunction often become the "life partner" of men after 40 years. Multiple usesSpecial gymnastics to maintain male potency,

There are useful exercises for male strength that help maintain physical fitness and prevent congestion in the sedentary parts of the body. Gymnastics improves blood supply to the genitals.

To increase strength, a man performs useful exercises

a little about power

According to sexologists,"Power"is a term that refers only to male sexuality.

In simple words, conception is the ability of a man to have a normal orgasm. It is important how tense the reproductive organ is, how quickly an erection appears, how long intercourse lasts.

Problems in the sexual sphere lead the representatives of the stronger sex to complexes, diseases, psychological obstacles.

You can determine the owner of a normal libidoAccording to the following guidelines:

  • weight within the normal range;
  • harmoniously developed muscles;
  • warm hands;
  • Confidence in one's own strength;
  • smoothness and purity of the skin;
  • having a good sense of humour;
  • stiffness and strength of gait;
  • developed intellectual abilities;
  • sensitive sense of smell;
  • low voice.
Confidence is a sign of good power in a man

due to loss of power

There are many factors thatReduce male potency:

  • malnutrition;
  • history of chronic diseases;
  • neglect of the rules of a healthy lifestyle;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • Malfunction of internal organs.
Improper nutrition negatively affects male potency

Exercises for strength at home will help men to avoid unpleasant acquaintances with prostatitis and impotence.

The result of the joint work of doctors and trainers was a complex that helps to maintain physical and sexual shape for a long time. Exercise has a beneficial effect on both libido and the state of the body as a whole.

exercises to improve strength

People leading a sedentary lifestyle are encouraged to visit the gym or swimming pool. Sports activities can prevent stagnation in the genital area and improve men's health.

It is worth noting that fitness is good as a preventive measure, and existing problems cannot be eliminated by swimming and training alone.

However, used to increase potencySpecial exercises combined into one complex:

  1. Exercise "Bridge";
  2. Exercise "Butterfly";
  3. exercise "Pendulum";
  4. squats;
  5. push-ups on the knees;
  6. Pumping the pubococcygeus muscle.

The listed physical exercises are useful for libido. If a person regularly and thoroughly does gymnastics, then it will be possible to do without the use of drugs and stay in the "sexual system" for a long time.

Physical exercise for strength not only improves blood circulation in the genitals (and it helps prolong intercourse).There are several additional benefits:

  • stimulation of testosterone production in the body;
  • elimination of stagnant processes;
  • fight stress.
Push-ups effectively increase libido of a man

Many sexologists are faced with the task of returning the pleasure of a healthy sex life to a man. Exercises for potency are combined in the following scheme:

  1. Arch.Take a starting position - lie on your back and stretch your arms along the body. Raise the pelvis off the floor and slowly lower it, pressing the back. The exercise is performed 10 times.
  2. Holding.Take a starting position, feet apart in a standing position. Imagine that there is an object between the knees that needs to be held. Tighten your muscles as if you are trying to hold a ball or stone between your kneesYes. The execution time is 5 sec. Run 10 approaches.
  3. pelvic rotation, Take a starting position - put your feet shoulder width apart. Perform rotational movements of the pelvis 30-40 times in each direction.

Gymnastics to increase male strength should be performed at a calm pace, increasing the load over time. It is optimal to start classes with several approaches, increasing their number to 20.

Emotional background is also important: you should do gymnastics in a good mood, this helps to achieve the desired result. You can not forget to run and go to the gym.

Arch exercise by a man to improve strength

Physical exercises to restore male potency will help those who are experiencing a decrease in their sexual activity. Walking regularly is an easy and inexpensive way to increase libido by improving blood circulation in the genital area.

Walking has a positive effect on the work of the testicles, but in order to achieve the result, you should make some effort and walk 3 km at a brisk pace daily.

The following exercises are also suitable for restoring strength:

  • "front step", March for at least 5 minutes, gradually increasing the time. We should try to pull the knees high to the stomach. You can put your hands behind your head if you want. Next to warm up the jointsThe move is a warm-up exercise.
  • Skipping.Take a starting position with your knees bent. Begin running while keeping your toes pressed to the floor, alternately raising your heels. To perform the exercise correctly, you must quickly lower your knees. Will have to move forward.
  • "butterfly":
    1. Take a starting position, i. e. lie down on the floor and bring your feet to your buttocks.
    2. Then you have to put your hands on your knees, and spread your legs and try to touch the floor with your knees. It is important that the lower back is pressed to the floor.
    3. If difficulties arise during the exercise, it is allowed to help with your own hands.
    4. On exhalation the exercise is performed smoothly, but with effort - the muscles should be tense. On exhalation it is also necessary to return to the starting position, but in this case, the hands resist.
Exercise butterfly will help restore strength

squat- This is a proven means of preventing congestion in the prostate and subsequent prostatitis; It should be included in the complex to restore libido.

This exercise strengthens the gluteal muscles and supports the genitals.

15 squats is the number for beginners. Squat options can be borrowed from ballet (plié) or sumo, you can give preference to the classics, alternating between shallow and dynamic squats.

Strength is directly related to the squat, which activates the muscles of the perineum. It is necessary to adhere to the correct execution technique:

  1. Feet should be shoulder width apart.
  2. Take a deep breath and slowly sit down while exhaling.
  3. After coming down to the lowest point, place your hands parallel to the floor between your feet.
  4. Lower your palms to the floor.
  5. Pause and take 15-10 breaths.
  6. Inhale slowly rise up.
  7. If desired, repeat the inhalation to the starting position.
Squatting increases strength due to the activation of the muscles of the perineum

run- It is an inexpensive and simple means of maintaining body tone and physical shape. Running is especially beneficial for people who are overweight.

Many experts note the link between obesity and decreased sexual activity, so running helps maintain strength, strengthens mind and body strength.

In addition, running has many other benefits:

  1. The nervous system becomes more stable, thereby saving the person from stress and depression.
  2. Stamina increases.
  3. A person gets a boost of energy and strengthens the immune system.
  4. The body remains in good shape.
  5. Increases endurance, strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  6. Improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  7. Prevention of insomnia.
  8. The male reproductive system becomes more stable.
  9. Mood improves.
  10. Increases testosterone level.

Running needs fresh air. It is good to supplement running with overcoming obstacles: it increases self-esteem. Long distances are a great workout for all muscles and increase blood circulation to the genitals. There is a way (so sex lasts longer).

Beginners are advised to alternate brisk walking with running and exercise in the morning. A workout should take at least 20 minutes a day. We must not forget about the warm-up, you also need to breathemonitoring is required.

Running outside promotes longer lasting sex

prostate exercise

Strength-strengthening exercises have a beneficial effect on the muscles of the pelvic region and reduce abdominal pressure drops. Thus, there is a natural massage of the prostate, which improves metabolic processes. Also increases flow.

Proper and regular exercise for the prostate also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, fights inflammation and improves adrenal function.

prostate massage- An excellent prophylactic and therapeutic agent for diseases of the prostate, T. increased blood flow to the genitals. The effect of the massage is long lasting. Even a procedure performed a few hours before intimacy can lead to stable erections of intercourseand contributes to its longevity.

Here are the most effective exercises:

  1. back stretch, Take a starting position with knees bent. Lower your chest to the floor as high as you can and hold for 10 seconds. Run 3 times.
  2. anal retreat, You can do the exercise anytime, anywhere, standing or sitting. Move the anus back for 10 seconds and repeat 3 times.
  3. pull legs to chest, Take the starting position - lie down on the floor. Pull the bent leg to the chest, stretching the muscles of the buttocks and lower back, hold for 10 seconds.
  4. strengthen back muscles, Kneel down and tighten your abdominal muscles, lifting your arm and opposite leg at the same time, hold for 10 seconds.
Kegel exercises can strengthen erections and prevent prostatitis

Kegel exercises

Competent exercises for men's potency have a good effect on the pelvic floor and erection muscles. In addition, there is no premature ejaculation, and there is an increase in the power of ejaculation and the amount of seminal fluid.

There are Kegel exercises for men suffering from prostatitis. Preliminary preparation is not required, home conditions are suitable for performance, so gymnastics has become very popular.

Some exercises:

  1. Contract the muscles of the perineum for about a minute and slowly relax the muscles. Do 10 sets. Over time, the contraction time increases.
  2. Contract the gluteal muscles by pulling in the anus. It is necessary to lower and strain the buttocks 10 times per approach, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50.
  3. Urinary training. Suspend the jet at least 4 times while straining the muscles.

exercise to increase libido

Potency is a concept related to physiology, while libido refers to the realm of emotions, but the two terms are closely related to each other. Decreased potency and erectile dysfunction are often caused by stress, anxiety, psychological trauma or overwork. are against the background.

In this case, strength exercises may not be able to cope with the task, so you will have to contact a sexologist and a psychologist. However, a set of exercises to increase desire has been developed:

  1. Lie on your back and rub your palms, Place your head on your right hand, and attach your left to the genitals. Tighten the muscles of the legs and anus while squeezing and slightly stretching the genitals. Repeat 20 times.
  2. do strength training, Working with your own weight contributes to the production of testosterone, it is enough to do a few push-ups or squats.
  3. walk barefoot, Walk on grass or rocks. Skin diseases prevent this type of exercise.
To increase libido, it is enough to do several push-ups from the floor.

yoga for strength

Yoga is useful for increasing male potency. There are many exercises that will be useful for potency:

  1. Lie on your back and stretch your arms along your body, Normalize the breath and start to slowly raise the legs. Then lift your lower back and slowly throw your legs above your head, bend on your toes. Hands should be in balanceBreathe calmly, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This exercise improves blood circulation in the lower back and pelvis, stimulates metabolism and eliminates congestion in the prostate area.
  2. Dhanurasana.Lie on your stomach with your chin on the floor. Breathing should be calm and even. Gently hold your ankles with your hands and bring your ankles to your buttocks. According to yogis, keep the hips (ideally) on the floor. It is important to be careful not to pull your legs too hard to avoid injury. The asana warms up the pubococcitus muscle.
  3. Bhujangasana.Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows and lean on your palms. Legs should be closed. While inhaling, lift the body up and bend backward. Turn the body towards the navel and slowly come back.
  4. "boat", Lie down on your stomach and at the same time stretch your arms forward and legs backward. The figure of the person during the exercise should be like a boat.
  5. "grasshopper", Lie on your stomach, clasping your arms in fists along the body. The nose and chin should be in contact with the surface of the exercise mat. Slowly raise the buttocks and legs, holding the top for a few seconds. Slowly return to the starting position. Run several times.
  6. yoga pose, Sit on your heels, clasp your hands behind your back, while the left hand should grasp the right wrist. Breathe evenly. As you exhale, bend as low as possible to the floor and stay in this position for 20Pause for seconds. Slowly return to starting position. Run several times.

There are contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Self-treatment is not recommended. This rule is especially relevant in the presence of ongoing problems with the reproductive system.